AGS Case Studies

Hackney Nursery, a 160-acre family business in Quincy Florida, wanted an easier way to share plant availability online with their customers. They were using Flicker, and Google Photos, but it was hard to update and use on a constant basis. They could not alphabetize, customers could not search through 160-190 items, and it was difficult to put information on those sites and organize it. They were sending availability on excel, the customer had to open, scroll, and hope they ran across the item they were looking for. Find out how we helped Hackney Nursery solve their problem here.
Cavano’s Perennials was running GrowPoint at their office on a single server, and as they grew the server was not powerful. They talked to Rick Goff at AGS and to other companies. for another server, for many reasons, namely the hardware was having issues. They knew they wanted to upgrade the hardware. Rick introduced the idea of GrowPoint Cloud, and they liked that they didn’t have to buy as expensive a replacement server. Find out how Cavano’s Perennials decided to move their software to GrowPoint Cloud here.

EVL Nursery, a nursery in Langley City, Canada has been supplying ornamental shrubbery and perennials for 16 years. They started small and kept growing. They are always striving to become better growers, shippers, and quality specialists. EVL Nursery had a server crash during their busy season. Find out how they overcame this here.
Last year, Van Berkum Nursery had a computer virus that disabled their network and GrowPoint. It was during a very busy time at Van Berkum Nursery. Read how they protected their data here.

Established in 1960, Sexton’s Farm is a family-owned business located in Northwestern North Carolina. As their company grew, their needs changed and became more complex. Find out how they improved their process here.
New Leaf Farms, Inc. is a 10-acre wholesale nursery in Bedford, Virginia, owned by Clare Jackson that grows a wide variety of container plants and specializes in many natives. Find out why they switched back to GrowPoint here.

Landcraft Environments Ltd, a thriving wholesale greenhouse business, initially managed these tasks using an Excel system coupled with QuickBooks. This system worked for them until expansion demanded a more sophisticated solution. The company faced the challenge of consolidating data for multiple locations and finding a software solution that aligned with their needs without unnecessary complexity. Learn how they streamlined their operation here.