Server Crash? Learn How Cloud Computing Keeps Your Data Safe From Disaster.
EVL Nursery, a nursery in Langley City, Canada has been supplying ornamental shrubbery and perennials for 16 years. They started small and kept growing. They have seen significant growth in the past 6-8 years. They now sell perennials, shrubs, grasses, and some vegetables during spring. They are always striving to become better growers, shippers, and quality specialists.

Problem and Solution
EVL Nursery had a server crash during their busy season. They lost important data, every grower’s worst day. Harry Beugelink from EVL Nursery, spoke to Rick Goff at Advanced Grower Solutions about their problem. Rick showed him how GrowPoint Cloud could give them advanced security and backup their data so that this would not happen again.
Many growers are concerned about moving their data to the cloud, but because EVL had experienced a server loss, they knew they needed to have their data on a secure server that was backed up. They liked how quick and easy GrowPoint Cloud integrated with their existing GrowPoint application. They have been able to log into the Cloud from anywhere and are enjoying the mobility this gives them.
What impressed Harry the most was AGS customer service. During implementation of the new Cloud application or when they have reached out to the AGS team after the rollout, they have received responsive assistance. When he was looking for a solution, what he liked most about AGS was the price for AGS GrowPoint Cloud. He liked that there was no upfront cost, and he was able to get started with only the modest monthly fee.
EVL Nursery is also seeing success using AGS GrowerOnline to sell and share their availability with customers. EVL Nursery wanted current inventory that would automatically update from GrowPoint. Since they were already GrowPoint customers, the process of adding their inventory to GrowerOnline was easy, just setting up the filter groups and restricted item groups, both outstanding features of GrowerOnline. They now have a direct link to sign into GrowerOnline on their website where customers can quickly, easily, and efficiently view availability or place orders. They were able to add plant pictures quickly from their existing photo library. EVL has many buyers using GrowerOnline to place orders.

If you are looking for an affordable secure Cloud Software, contact us to learn more about GrowPoint Cloud.