September 5, 2023

How to Maximize Efficiency with Grower Sales Orders and GrowPoint

Imagine a sales order process that is as flexible as your business needs. With the sales order screen, you can effortlessly select customers, creating a tailored pricing structure that includes discounts, shipping costs, and sales taxes.
April 8, 2022

Have You Backed Up Your Data? … Are You Sure?

Most backup programs by default only backup some core user folders in the operating system. While setting up backup software you review what it truly backing up on your devices, financial, core user files, and any files/folders critical in doing your day-to-day operations.
July 13, 2020

Four Tips to Create the Best Passwords

A secure password is the first line of defense in keeping your valuable data safe from online predators.
October 15, 2019

What You Need to Know Before Moving Your Business to the Cloud

Let’s first answer the question: What is Cloud Computing? defines Cloud Computing as: Internet-based computing in which large groups of remote servers are networked to […]