November 1, 2023

Is It Time for Data Analysis In Your Greenhouse or Nursery?

It can be intimidating to choose a software system to improve your business. Especially if you feel too busy to spend the time to learn about what options are available. However, that might be exactly why this is the time you need to find out how it can benefit your operation.
July 31, 2023

5 Reasons Every Grower Needs A Software System

Much like an automated seeder, soil handler, or tree harvester, good grower software becomes a force multiplier in your business.
June 22, 2023

Five Grower Margin Erosion Causes and What To Do About It

It is important that growers understand sources of margin erosion and adjust their operational and data habits to provide visibility and metrics which can help identify problems before the situation becomes serious.
January 25, 2023

4 Steps To Improve Delivery Coordination With Your Customers

Coordination of resources is still one of the most challenging aspects of managing a grower operation. Getting the right people in the right place for the right job at the right time is a difficult task even with all the modern productivity improvements we have available.
January 10, 2023

What To Expect With AGS Consultative Sales Process

There are four key phases to our sales process that help ensure you have all the knowledge about our functionality you need when deciding what system to use.
January 9, 2023

Delivering Data Your Way The Direct To Store Notifier Service

The DTS Notification Service which, based on your needs, will build and send to an email list you designate all of the key information metrics for your sales so you can ‘see’ what’s going on without spending hours running reports and building a story.
January 4, 2023

What Are The Key Grower Software System Capabilities for Pay By Scan?

Here are seven key areas of software capabilities that can help you execute your pay by scan or purchase order business more effectively.
December 27, 2022

Keys To Success In Pricing Pay By Scan Programs For Growers

According to international consulting firm McKinsey and Co., “Pricing is by far the biggest tool for earnings improvement.” — McKinsey & Co For growers participating in or […]
November 30, 2022

Important Pay By Scan Statistics to Understand

The Pay by scan model puts a lot of responsibility on the grower. The pay by scan grower is completely responsible for the inventory in stores. […]