Setting up your customers on GrowerOnline is quick and easy. With an account on GrowerOnline your customers can view availability, make purchases, get quotes, and view previous orders all online.
We met with many of our customers and new prospects at the MANTS 2020 Conference. Through the discussions, there were several themes of challenges and opportunities for the growers and vendors that we talked to. We will share this with you.
Advanced Grower Solutions adds incredible new features to the latest release of GrowerOnline to improve the customer experience of purchasing plants from our growers.
The real impact of automation on big ag labor reduction is increasing quickly. Data is the new oil (or hydraulic fluid). System Integration / Collaboration is key – across systems, technologies, vendors/suppliers.
Let’s first answer the question: What is Cloud Computing? defines Cloud Computing as: Internet-based computing in which large groups of remote servers are networked to […]