In today’s cyber world data security, be it business or personal is an ever-increasing challenge. A secure password is the first line of defense in keeping your valuable data safe from online predators.
Creating passwords is about length more than complexity. Complexity is nice but length of your Password is essential. Minimum length of your password should be 8-10 characters. Each character you add to a password will make it harder for Brute-Force methods of cracking your password to succeed. Brute-Force attacks on passwords is a common way of getting around security. Some security sites suggest a line from your favorite song or book.
For more traditional passwords a combination of numbers, symbols, letters in both upper and lower case. Never use passwords like user, password, your social security number, birthdate or sensitive information like family names or significate dates. Social media enables your family and personal information to be readily available and easily found on the Internet. Passwords should also be unique for each site, never use the same password for your online ordering site as your business or financial password.
Storage of passwords has changed over the years. The mantra was never to write down a password, this has changed, with the world becoming more digital, every site requiring some sort of password remembering 20 or 30 passwords can be difficult at best. There are several ways to secure your passwords. The current trend is to store them digitally on the Cloud with a third-party application secured with a master password, there are many of them out there depending on your device. If letting your passwords out into the wild make you uncomfortable writing the down in a book or piece of paper is viable, just make sure you store them out of plain site and a secure location in your office or home.
Finally, if a website uses 2-step authentication along with your password, always use it. 2-Step Authentication is your password and a unique code sent to you via the website to your cellphone, authenticator or even an email account of your choosing. Most 2-step authentication methods are timed events, requiring you to return the second code within a set time or it becomes invalid.
Remember it is everyone’s responsibility to keep you and your company’s data safe. Strong, secure passwords are a primary start to the security of your network and your personal information.
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