Pay by scan, or Pay from Scan, is a business model arrangement between growers and some big-box retailers.
In this play book we will cover some of the most important aspects of participating and managing a pay by scan program.
Understanding how Pay by Scan works
Pay by scan is an alternate supplier model with their trading partners. It puts additional risks and responsibilities on the grower. Learn more about how the model works and what you need to know to maximize your results.

Pay By Scan Vs Purchase Order Business Models For Growers
Understand the differences between the pay by scan business model and the more traditional purchase order or PO model for growers.
Software Capability needed for Pay by Scan
A good pay by scan program will need the support of software and data analytics. Learn more about what functionality is needed and how to choose one appropriate for your operation.

Key Grower Software System Capabilities
Check out 7 key areas of software capabilities that can help you execute your pay by scan or purchase order business more effectively..

7 tips when choosine direct to store inventory management software
Learn key things to know when choosing a retail inventory and sales data management and replenishment software system.
Keys to Success for Pay by Scan
Pay by scan requires the grower to consider additional parameters in planning and program execution. Learn more about keys to success and components to influence your success.

4 Keys To Success With Pay By Scan For Growers
See an overview of the key areas that can really impact your operational execution and results for a pay by scan program.

Top 6 Components to Manage Your Profits With Pay By Scan
Data is the an essential part of any pay by scan management. This article discusses 6 important data and process components for improving your pay by scan program performance.
Pay by Scan Statistics to Know
Retail sales statistics are crucial for a successful program. Learn more about the key statistics and how they can impact your program.

Important Pay By Scan Statistics to Understand
The grower needs to understand some of the key statistics used in managing the inventory at stores. This article coverers some of the most important statistics and what they mean.

Impact of Sell through on Pay by Scan for Grower Revenue
Sell through has a tremendous and direct impact on grower results and revenue. Learn how sell though, both unit level and dollar level sell through can impact your results.
Replenishment is the act of deciding how / what items to put in which stores and when. Review some considerations for your replenishment activity.

Which type of replenishment should you use?
Many growers handle replenishment tasks on behalf of their retail customers, adding another responsibility for them to manage. Learn more about different types of replenishment.
How to overcome common inventory replenishment challenges
Replenishment of a SKU’s in a busy retail location is a challenging task. Retail stores are very dynamic environments and many factors come into play for successful replenishment. Learn more about these factors and actions to take.
Pay by Scan Pricing
Pricing a pay by scan program requires more in depth analysis than more traditional purchase order programs. Understand the components that impact your pricing decisions.

Keys To Success In Pricing Pay By Scan Programs For Growers
Pricing a pay by scan program is a difficult proposition. There are many factors you have to consider to estimate the revenue and profit. This article covers these key aspects to help you plan and price your programs.
Products for Pay by Scan
Advanced Grower solutions has a number of products and services that can help you implementation and execution of your pay by scan program.

Direct to Store
DTS/Merch is an cloud based, automated, sales analytics and replenishment platform.
DTS helps growers and suppliers selling to retailers solve the problem of handling and automating of retail sales data flows, reporting, analytics, store inventory management, merchandising and replenishment.

A platform for connecting growers to their EDI trading partners.
GrowerEDI is a concierge data service that provides a knowledgeable, experienced data partner that can ease the EDI onboarding and integration process, improve data flows, automate interactions, and provide the data transformations to give you actionable, usable data.